Brookwood High School issued the following announcement on March 3.
TCSS Families,
We want to let you know about our efforts to monitor coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID-19. The 2019 novel (or new) coronavirus causes a potentially severe respiratory illness. It was recently identified in China and is now being detected worldwide. Currently, there are no known cases in Alabama. We are coordinating with the Alabama Department of Public Health, local healthcare authorities, and the State Department of Education to be prepared with the most up-to-date information and guidance involving the virus.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) have guidelines in place for anyone who has traveled internationally to certain affected geographic areas. Find more resources about 2019 coronavirus through the Alabama Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control. The CDC also provides specific information for travelers. ADPH Coronavirus 2019 Information:
CDC Coronavirus 2019 Information:
CDC Information for Travel:
According to CDC guidance, those returning from China or areas with active community transmission of 2019 coronavirus will have at least some restrictions on their interactions for 14 days after leaving the affected areas. According to ADPH, any students or staff in this group must remain out of school for the duration of this period. Please notify your child’s principal of any upcoming out-of-country travel plans.
In our schools, everyday health practices remain important. We encourage our students and staff to:
•stay home when sick and until you are fever-free for at least 24 hours after the last administration of fever-reducing medicine. •practice frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds at a time.
•cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve.
•avoid touching your face, mouth, nose, and eyes.
•avoid being around those who are sick.
Although it will not prevent coronavirus, a flu shot is still recommended for those who have not had one this flu season. Ample cleaning supplies are in our schools and our custodians disinfect high-contact surfaces.
Plans are currently being finalized for a meeting in the coming days, among local healthcare and education leaders, to discuss monitoring and prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus.
Families can stay up to date on 2019 novel coronavirus and recommended actions through the Centers for Disease Control and Alabama Department of Public Health. If new information results in how our schools respond to 2019 novel coronavirus, TCSS will communicate this information to you.
Walter W. Davie, Ed.D.
Original source can be found here.